3 months' worth of Video Content done in 1 day!

A complete done-for-you video service with GUARANTEED results!

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Studies found that Short-Form video content now has the highest ROI for any business marketing strategy!

Do you worry about where your next

clients are gonna come from?

Chances are if your business doesn't have a video strategy in place you are leaving

money on the table. Let me tell you why this is true and why you are missing out:

Video Boosts Conversions and Sales

First things first. Videos can make you some serious money. Adding a product video on your landing page can increase conversions by 80%. Video can also lead directly to sales. Studies show that 74% of users who watched an explainer video about a product or service subsequently bought it.

Video Shows Great ROI

To get you even more excited, 83% of businesses say that video provides a good return on investment. Even though video production is not yet the easiest or cheapest task, it pays off big time. Besides, online video editing tools are constantly improving and becoming more affordable. And even your smartphone can make pretty decent videos already.

Video Builds Trust

Trust is the foundation of conversions and sales. But building trust should be a goal on its own. The whole concept of content marketing is based on trust and creating long-term relationships. Video does it all. Video content is likely to engage us and ignite emotions. So, if you are serious about content marketing, you must be serious about video, too.

Video Engages Even the Laziest Buyers

Video content is a great tool for learning, but it’s also super easy to consume. Today’s life is too busy to have time to read long product descriptions or dig deep into services. The modern customer wants to see the product in action. Video preference is one of the most important driving forces of using video in your content marketing.

Our Clients Testimonials

Client Work

Miami Eats Campaign

Dr. Williams

The Underline

Faena Hotel


The Ritz-Carlton


Hilton Bently

Our Services

Long Form Video Content

This includes Brand Message Videos, Testimonials, Explainer Animated Videos, Documentaries, Company Culture Videos, Case Studies, etc where your potential customers are doing in-depth research on whether or not your product or service is a good fit for them.

Video Editing

Affordable video editing & post-production services from industry-leading video editors. Video sound editing, fancy transitions, color corrections, and more.

Short Form Video Content

Micro Content is easy-to-consume videos for social media that offer value in 30 seconds or less and serve brand awareness. IG Reels /Tiktok/Youtube shorts. *Highly popular


Our packages bring your videos to the people rather than taking the chance that they come to you. We cover several social media platforms to increase visits to your site and get you a better page ranking.

3 Months of Video Done In 1 Day and How it works:



We script 100 videos with our "100 Fill In The Blank Micro Content Ideas For Any Industry Document" and reviewed them with you. Your ideas are always welcome.



We film all 90+ videos on the first of every month



We sift through cutting out all the ums and buts and awkward pauses. We add all the captions, subtitles, graphics, emojis, colors, license-free music, and digital zooms. Then we have a spell checker to review and make sure there are no typos. (Before you see the video it has been reviewed multiple times)



Our packages bring your videos to the people rather than taking the chance that they come to you. We cover several platforms including social media, blogs, and directories to increase visits to your site and improve your online presence.

Why Short Form Video?

  • Conversion rates: 84% of people are convinced to buy a product or service based on the brand's videos.
  • Relevance: Thanks to complex algorithms and machine learning, each potential customer gets their own curated feed of personalized content. Their engagement or lack of engagement with certain content further helps to make the experience relevant.
  • Accessible: As a result of this reach, broad appeal and universal understanding, niche topics like DIY, cooking and even woodworking have grown into global phenomena with massive audiences helping brands/businesses improve their presence.
  • Unlimited creativity: Short videos with music and filters make it easy for anyone to produce and share content—and even add special effects—so that technology is not setting the creator’s limit anymore.
  • Encouragement: When it comes to viewers, We believe they’re looking for a sense of belonging and the chance to interact with others who share their passions. That’s why it’s vital to facilitate active viewer participation through engaging content.
  • Influence: Your audience doesn’t have time, and you must respect that. Short-form videos are of great help in this regard. According to statistics, about 68% of users will happily watch a business video with a duration of under one minute. Influencer marketing is all the rage this year. In fact, it’s backed up by pure and concrete data.
  • Perfect bait: That comes off a bit awkward to say. But still, when you reach out to your target audience on social media, you are in a fishing spot where everyone is trying to pitch the perfect bait. And the only way to increase your chances of getting a fish is to lure it with something that stands out, something that is irresistible. Yup, I’m talking about your thumbnail and title.

Book a call with us!

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© 2024 Creative Video Factory LLC